Thursday, August 30, 2007

Vintage Photos

Here are some vintage photos of family members that feature period jewelry.


This woman appeared in a group photograph. She is a member of the Manning family, who were Texas rangers and ranchers during the "Wild West" period. She's pictured here wearing a 5-strand beaded necklace.

1940s This woman is dressed in pefect 40's style. She's looped a single strand of costume beads through the fold in her dress.


This is a close-up of the costume jewelry worn by a distant relative. She's wearing what appears to be a gold locket and an elaborate rhinestone fur clip shaped like a bunch of grapes.

This is a closeup of my grandmother, Reba Lou. The photo dates to the early 1950s. She's wearing a pair of silver Coro leverback clips accented with three blue rhinestones.


This picture is poor quality, but I was able to recognize the necklace Reba Lou wore in the photo. The picture came from a 1960s Christmas party.

Here is the necklace in the photograph. (My photo is not of the greatest quality, either ;0)

The necklace is a faux pearl pendant with rhinestone spacer beads.

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